About Appalachian Gap Distillery
Seated at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains in Vermont is Appalachian Gap Distillery. Surrounded by Vermont woodlands, they’re devoted to two things, producing the best possible craft spirits they can and reducing their carbon footprint in the process.
Already home brewers that prided themselves on impressing friends, acquaintances and strangers with a pint of their latest beers, Appalachian Gap Distillery founders Chuck Burkins and Lars Hubbard attended a weekend distilling class in Geneva, N.Y. One simple retreat in 2010 transformed a hobby into an obsession for Chuck and Lars.
They quickly got to work creating a line of unique craft spirits in their solar-powered distillery. Inspired by a Swedish folk tradition, Kaffekask, one of Appalachian Gap’s first craft spirits, is an aromatic white whiskey distilled through freshly ground coffee. Searching for something new? Try Papilio for a singular craft spirit experience. Appalachian Gap’s self-described “Vtquila,” Papilio is the product of fermenting blue agave nectar from Mexico and Vermont’s own dark maple syrup.